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Read about L&T's bonds.

Bond 05/2022

Loan type: Senior unsecured bond
Amount: EUR 75 million
Issuing date: 19 May 2022
Expiry date: 19 May 2028
Interest: 3.375%
Listing: Nasdax Helsinki Oy
ISIN code: FI4000523022
Coordinator: Danske Bank


Bond 09/2018

Loan type: Unsecured bond
Amount: EUR 50 million
Issuing date: 7 September 2018
Expiry date: 17 September 2023
Interest: fixed annual coupon at the rate of 1.250 %
Listing: Nasdax Helsinki Oy
ISIN code: FI4000349089
Coordinator: Danske Bank


Bond 09/2014

Loan type: Unsecured bond
Amount: EUR 30 million
Issuing date: 8 September 2014
Expiry date: 15 September 2019
Interest: fixed annual coupon at the rate of 2.125 %
Listing: Nasdax Helsinki Oy
ISIN code: FI4000108568
Coordinator: Danske Bank