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Tavoitteenamme on viestiä avoimesti sidosryhmillemme tekemästämme työstä vastuullisemman yritystoiminnan eteen ja julkaisemme osana osavuosikatsaustamme kuluneen kauden vastuullisuustulokset ja -kohokohdat.
Kaupunkimaisema illalla

Quarter's sustainability results

L&T's responsibility work is guided and developed through the group's corporate responsibility program. Our goal is to communicate openly to our stakeholders about the work we do for more responsible business operations, and we publish the sustainability results and highlights of the past period as part of our interim report.

Sustainability results H1/2024

-224,00 tCO2e

The positive climate effects of L&T's operations, i.e. the carbon footprint

14,600 tCO2e

Emissions from L&T's operations and supply chain, i.e. carbon footprint

55.5 %*

Recycling rate of materials in L&T's possession 

* Calculation was re-defined beginning of 2024


Overall accident frequency

5.5 %

Sickness-related absences

Highlights from the past quarter's sustainability work

Vaaralliset jätteet 2 - 2352x1568 - Vastuullisuus

Great Progress in Occupational Safety: TRIF 20

Our goal is to eliminate hazards, prevent accidents, and ensure a safe working environment for ourselves, our customers, and other stakeholders. In the first half-year of 2024, we successfully reduced our total recordable incident frequency (TRIF) to 20. Compared to last year, this is a decrease of 3 units. Additionally, our proactive safety measures exceeded the target level.

Järvi ja harju - 2352x1568 - Vastuullisuus
Työntekijä kierrätyslaitoksella

Our Carbon Footprint decreased by 9 % compared to the previous year

In the first half-year of 2024, we successfully reduced our carbon footprint by 9 % compared to the same period last year. This progress was achieved by continuing to upgrade our equipment with a stronger focus on transitioning to zero-emission technologies and low-emission fuels.

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Jäteauto puistossa

L&T is participating in the UN Global Compact's Business & Human Rights training program aimed at promoting human rights work

L&T is one of the 21 Finnish companies participating in the Business & Human Rights training program focusing on human rights, which began on February 1. The training program is established by UN Global Compact and Shift, and it is now being held for the second time. The program aims to provide companies with knowledge about human rights responsibility and to learn to identify best practices in human rights work and integrate them into their own operations.

Development of sustainability results in 2024

Q1/2024 Q2/2024 Q3/2024 Q4/2024 Target (to be achieved by)

Read a more detailed report in the investors section

A more detailed report on the progress of the sustainability work can always be found in our interim report.