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Get to know L&T's shareholders and ownership distribution.

Major shareholders

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Shareholder structure

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Distribution of share capital

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Board of Directors' Shareholding

Board Member Shareholding 31 December 2021 Shareholding 31 December 2022 Shareholding 31 December 2023
Jukka Leinonen 8 994 37 351 39 665
Sakari Lassila 19 860 21 427 22 969
Teemu Kangas-Kärki 4 768 5 943 7 100
Laura Lares 6 091 7 266 8 423
Anni Ronkainen - - 1 157
Pasi Tolppanen 2 150 3 325 4 482

Group Executive Board's Shareholding

Group Executive Board Member Shareholding 31 December 2021 Shareholding 31 December 2022 Shareholding 31 December 2023
Eero Hautaniemi 35 853 46 827 46 827
Sirpa Huopalainen 5 486 6 744 6 744
Jorma Mikkonen 5 849 7 107 7 107
Antti Niitynpää 0 1 107 1 107
Valtteri Palin 22 1 560 1 560
Hilppa Rautpalo 500 1 758 1 758
Petri Salermo 16 066 19 105 19 105
Edward Skärström - - -
Mikko Taipale - - -
Antti Tervo 8 200 10 856 10 856
Asiantuntija tutkii puhelinta

Transactions of Managers

As of 3 July 2016, Lassila & Tikanoja Plc managers and their close associates as referred to in the Market Abuse Regulation ((EU) No 596/2014, “MAR”) must report any business transactions in accordance with the guidelines presented below. The reporting obligation applies to any transactions involving financial instruments issued by L&T (or related to L&T).

In accordance with MAR, notifications must be made immediately, and no later than three (3) working days from the transaction date. However, we kindly ask you to make the notifications to L&T and the Finnish Financial Supervisory Authority no later than two (2) working days from the transaction date.