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Lassila & Tikanoja: share subscription schedule for 2009

  • 1 min read
In 2009, the increases in the share capital on the basis of the subscriptions   
made pursuant to Lassila & Tikanoja share options will be carried out as        

| Share subscription         | Entry in the Trade       | New shares listed    |
| deadline                   | Register                 |                      |
| 29 January                 | 19 February              | 20 February          |
| 29 May                     | 11 June                  | 12 June              |
| 20 July                    | 10 August                | 11 August            |
| 20 October                 | 5 November               | 6 November           |

Pursuant to the outstanding 2005A share options 147,500 shares can be subscribed
for. The subscription price is EUR 14.22. The subscription period ends on 29 May

Pursuant to the outstanding 2005B share options 176,000 shares can be subscribed
for. The subscription price is EUR 16.98. The subscription period ends on 31 May

The shares shall be subscribed at Evli Bank plc.                                

The shares subscribed for pursuant to the share options will entitle their      
holder to dividends and other rights conferred by the shares after the increase 
of the share capital has been registered in the Trade Register.                 

LASSILA & TIKANOJA PLC                                                          

Sirkka Tuomola                                                                  
Vice President and CFO                                                          

Lassila & Tikanoja specialises in environmental management and property and     
plant support services. L&T is a leading supplier of wood-based biofuels,       
recovered fuels and recycled raw materials. With operations in Finland, Sweden, 
Latvia, Russia and Norway, L&T employs 9,500 persons. Net sales in 2007 amounted
to 555 million euro.                                                            

NASDAQ OMX Helsinki                                                             
Major media