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Residents of the housing company

On this page, you will find information about your housing company's property maintenance and cleaning services as a resident of the housing cooperative. You can also contact us regarding matters related to your living situation.

Maintenance request

Submit a maintenance request to the property management company to repair defects and deficiencies observed in the housing cooperative.

When to contact property management company?

  • You notice defects or shortcomings in your home
  • You notice defects or shortcomings in the building's common areas or equipment
  • The elevator gets stuck or makes a loud noise

The maintenance company takes care of the housing cooperative's maintenance in accordance with the agreement.


These matters are not the responsibility of the maintenance company

  • Resident disturbances (noise, incorrect parking)
  • Additional services not covered by the maintenance contract (renovations)
In these situations, contact the property manager. You can find the property manager's current contact information, for example, on your housing cooperative's notice board.



When to expect the maintenance request to be done?

  • The maintenance company performs the work within the response time agreed in the contract, taking into account the urgency of the work.
  • The typical response time for non-urgent work is 3-7 business days.
  • Sometimes, due to poor availability of spare parts, the completion of the work may be slightly delayed. 
  • If there has been an exceptionally long delay in handling the work request - our customer service will assist in resolving the issue.

Door openings

Left your keys at home? We can help.

  • We can only open doors for individuals officially residing in the apartment, so please be prepared to prove your identity.
  • We check the official resident information from the registry office, so make sure to submit your change of address to the registry office in time.
  • Please note that you can also make a temporary change of address at the registry office, for example, for the duration of your studies.
  • Request door opening by calling customer service

Parking space and Sauna

If L&T is responsible for managing your property's sauna slots and/or parking space reservations, you can inquire about the reservation status from our customer service. For reservation matters, we recommend using electronic services or chat.

Reserve or cancel a parking space or Sauna

  • Reservations can be made using the sauna slot and parking space reservation form
  • If no spots are available or you wish to queue for a specific spot to become available, you can submit a queuing request
  • You can cancel a sauna slot and parking space by filling out the form.

Payment of the parking space or Sauna

  • The payment is usually made in conjunction with rent or maintenance fees, but this should be confirmed with the landlord or property manager.
  • The maintenance company is not responsible for billing for services.
  • Sauna slots are generally fixed slots, meaning the sauna fee must be paid even if you do not use your slot in a given week.
  • Please note that some housing cooperatives may have separate reservation lists for summer and winter slots.

Keyes to heating post

  • The keys related to the heating posts for parking spaces are usually obtained from the same locksmith as the apartment keys.
  • In some cases, it has been agreed that the maintenance will deliver the keys through the mail slot.
  • If you cannot find instructions related to keys in the house manual, you can inquire further about this from our customer service via chat or through the service form.
  • It's important to remember that the car heating post should always be kept locked.
  • If the car is not being heated, the heating cable should also be removed from the post.

Contact us

Parking space and sauna shift

Instructions for movers

Moving involves many practical matters that need to be handled with the maintenance company. Below, you will find a list containing a lot of useful information related to moving and living as a resident of a housing cooperative.

Change of address notification

  • Once you have updated your address information with the Population Register Centre, you do not need to submit a separate change of address notification if L&T serves as the maintenance company for your housing cooperative.
  • In door opening situations, we check resident information from the Population Register, so please also update temporary changes of address in the register.
  • When a person changes their municipality of residence or their place of residence within it (permanent move), they must notify the local registry office at the earliest one month before the moving date and at the latest one week after the moving date.
  • A change of address must also be reported to the local registry office for temporary residence lasting more than three months.
  • A change of address can also be made for shorter periods of temporary residence if desired.
  • Remember to notify your property manager about your move.
  • You can usually find the maintenance company and property manager's information on the notice board of your housing cooperative.

Name change on the door

  • You can request a name change on the door via the maintenance request form if L&T serves as the maintenance company for your housing cooperative.
  • In your request, please only mention the names to be put on the door and in the order you want them placed.
  • If a name is to be removed from the door, please clearly indicate which name is to be removed and which is to remain.

Where do I get extract from House Register?

  • You can order an extract from the house register electronically using the general inquiry form.
  • You can also call our customer service
  • The extract from the house register is a paid service, and we will mail it to you with a payment slip.
  • Remember that, for example, for housing assistance, Kela often automatically receives information from most landlords electronically, and you do not need to order a separate extract from the house register.

Move-in inspection

  • If you move to a new apartment and notice defects that require repair, you must report them to the maintenance company.
  • Submit the report using the maintenance request form.
  • Please note that the maintenance company is responsible for clear repair works.
  • Typically, the maintenance contract does not cover, for example, painting walls or repairing dents in the floor; you should report these to the landlord and/or property manager.

Also remember the electricity contract, home insurance, and internet connection

  • Make an electricity contract with the electricity company
  • Arrange for home insurance
  • Check if you have access to the housing cooperative internet or if you need to order it separately from a service provider.

Tips and hints

Appartment heating is not working as expected

First, the indoor temperature of the apartment/room must be determined. The temperature is measured from the center of the room at about one meter height. When the apartment's temperature is between 20-23 degrees, the target condition has been achieved, and the temperature is good both from an energy economy and living comfort perspective. If the apartment's temperature is below 18 degrees, it can be considered that there may be health hazards if this continues for a long time, and the issue should be addressed without delay.

Before contacting the maintenance company, please check the operation of radiators and ventilation devices.

If the apartment feels drafty, investigate the cause before increasing the heating. The problem may be due to inadequate sealing of windows and doors, uncontrolled ventilation, or a structural defect.

Is the radiator completely cold or is the equipment reporting an error code? It's also important to pay attention to unusual noises from radiators, such as gurgling, and to submit an electronic maintenance request in case of problems.

What should I do if the drain is not draining well?

Generally, all visible pipes/drains are the responsibility of the resident, and they should primarily attempt to clear any blockages themselves. If the blockage does not clear despite cleaning and other individual efforts, the blockage may be deeper, and then a maintenance worker will need to come and open the drains.

With blockages in floor drains or sinks, it's important to assess the urgency of the situation. Not all blockages are urgent and require immediate action. The situation is urgent when more than one drain appears to be blocked, the only toilet in the apartment is blocked, water is backing up from the drain, or there is otherwise a risk of water damage.

Water leaks in toilet or kitchen

If you notice water leaks, it should be reported to the maintenance team.

A leaking or gurgling water fixture such as a toilet or faucet is always a cost to the housing cooperative and thereby also to the resident. 

Leaks under the kitchen sink cabinet can often go unnoticed if the shelves are too full and the pipes are not visible. It's a good idea to regularly check the condition of the pipes, for example, when emptying trash bags.

Cleaning of Floor Drains and Sink Traps

Major plumbing work in the home should always be left to professionals, but typically, the maintenance of floor drains and sinks falls under the resident's responsibility.

Dirty or debris-filled floor drains and traps can hinder water flow into the drain, potentially leading to water damage.

Watch instructional videos on YouTube. They are in Finnish but you get a clear understanding just by watching the videos.

Changing a smoke detector batteries

From the property's responsibility distribution table, you can see whether changing the battery falls to the resident or the property caretaker.

Smoke detector batteries should be checked once a month to ensure fire safety. The smoke detector often starts making a steady beeping sound when the battery is nearly empty.

Smoke detectors can be powered by batteries, mains electricity, or, for example, solar cells. It's a good idea to check the type of battery your apartment's smoke detector uses, and to keep a stock of these batteries at home in advance. The backup battery of a mains-powered smoke detector also needs to be replaced. 

Basic maintenance of both battery- and mains-powered smoke detectors also includes gentle vacuuming at regular intervals. Dust accumulating in the smoke detector can cause false alarms or, in the worst case, prevent a warranted alarm.

Changing a light buld

Changing a light bulb is probably the most common electrical task performed in homes. It's always advisable to replace a burnt-out bulb with an energy-efficient LED bulb, which not only saves the environment but also your wallet, thanks to its long lifespan. Before changing the bulb, the power to the device should be turned off and wait a moment for the bulb to cool down.

The bulb can be replaced with one of the same or lower wattage. To get a similar bulb, take the burnt-out bulb to the store and ask for help from a salesperson if needed.

Incandescent and energy-saving bulbs as well as fluorescent tubes must always be recycled properly. Energy-saving bulbs and fluorescent tubes are considered hazardous waste, and LED bulbs are classified as electronic waste, both of which are collected by all stores selling lights and bulbs. Incandescent and halogen bulbs, on the other hand, belong to mixed waste.

Maintaining refrigerator and freezers

The cleanliness of refrigerators and freezers is the responsibility of the resident. A well-maintained refrigerator stays cool, preserves food more effectively, operates more quietly, and consumes less electricity. The refrigerator should never be stuffed full; there should be room for air to circulate, meaning food items should not touch the walls. If filled improperly, ice can form on the refrigerator's surfaces, its temperature can rise, and electricity consumption can increase.

Newer fridge freezers do not require regular defrosting as they manage defrosting themselves.

A refrigerator or freezer is defrosted by turning off the power to the appliance and moving its contents to another cold container. At the start of defrosting, ensure that water melting from the refrigerator or freezer drains into a water container. Trying to accelerate the defrosting of the freezer by removing ice with a knife or other sharp object should not be attempted. Knives can puncture parts containing the freezer's refrigerant, permanently damaging the freezer.

During defrosting, the refrigerator or freezer should be thoroughly cleaned. At the same time, it should be checked that the defrost water outlet located at the back inside the refrigerator is not blocked. Dry the refrigerator, freezer, and seals properly before turning the appliance back on.

If the temperature of the refrigerator or freezer is unusually high despite regular cleaning and proper use, the fault may be in the refrigerator's seals or compressor. In this case, the device needs to be serviced by an electronics professional.

Cleaning the range hood

Check out the instructions for cleaning the range hood on YouTube. 

The video is in Finnish.

Changing a fuse

Modern homes mainly have two types of fuses; ceramic white plug fuses and circuit breakers. If electricity is cut off from part of your apartment, it's time to head to the electrical panel, often found near the front door. Before checking the fuses, it's a good idea to turn off or unplug the last used electrical appliance. Usually, that last used appliance is the cause of the overload and the subsequent power outage.

Automatic and reusable fuses are found in newer residential units. Active fuses are in the I (on) position, and inactive ones are in the 0 (off) position. A fuse that has turned off can simply be switched back on by flipping the lever. If the fuse does not stay in the I position, there is a fault in your apartment's electrical installation, and you need to call a maintenance person.

For the older model plug fuses, you will need a new fuse, which you should buy in advance to keep at home. Before inspecting or changing a plug fuse, the apartment's electricity must be turned off from the main switch at the fuse box. The end of a blown fuse will release a red indicator, so the fuse without the red indicator has blown. Ensure the porcelain fuse holder surrounding the fuse is intact. A broken fuse holder must be replaced by the maintenance company or an electrical professional before proceeding with the fuse change. If the holder is intact, replace the fuse with a new one of the same type and finally turn the power back on from the main switch.

Some electrical panels also have a separate residual-current device, which protects the user from current leaking from the circuit. This residual-current device should be tested monthly with its own test button.

Summer and a hot appartment

When the sun shines into the apartment and the weather is warm, the indoor temperature can rise higher than desired.

Read below for tips on how to prevent your apartment from heating up due to the sun and warm summer weather. When checking the ventilation, note that gravity-based ventilation works differently from mechanical ventilation.

Check how the ventilation in your home works. Where does the air come in and where does it go out? If the replacement air vents are on the external walls of the apartment, in the ventilation window, or in the window frame, it is either gravity ventilation or mechanical exhaust ventilation. Gravity-based ventilation does not cool the air, so for example, during hot summer weather, the ventilation may work perfectly normally even though the apartment is hot. If, however, the replacement air vents are in the ceiling or internal wall, the apartment has mechanical ventilation.

Insufficient ventilation is especially a problem with gravity ventilation, but it can also occur in buildings with mechanical ventilation. Gravity ventilation is based on the difference in temperature between outdoor and indoor air and the movement of air generated by the wind. This works well in winter, but in the summer, when the difference between indoor and outdoor temperatures is small, ventilation is often insufficient. For gravity ventilation to work effectively, it requires clean and open replacement and exhaust air vents to allow for adequate circulation of clean air throughout the building.

In apartments with mechanical ventilation, the thermostat should be set as low as possible to allow as little warm air in from outside. Take care of changing the filters and keep the grease filter of the range hood clean.

In buildings with separate cooling, the property maintenance will automatically adjust it to a suitable temperature according to the seasons.

Ensure unobstructed air circulation. Indoor air problems commonly arise because replacement and exhaust vents are completely missing or have been blocked for some reason. In this case, ventilation does not work in the building at all. Check that the vents are clean and not covered. You can test the effectiveness of the ventilation by placing a piece of paper in front of the exhaust air vent; if the ventilation is working, the piece of paper should stay in place due to the draft. If the draft is insufficient, determine whether there are enough replacement air vents and if they are operational.

Ventilation. Ventilate when the outside air is as cool as possible. During the day, it can be significantly hotter outside than inside, so ventilating in the evening or at night can bring the coolest possible air into the apartment. Ventilation is most effective if it is possible to create a short-duration through-/cross-draft in the apartment.

Windows and curtains. The sun shining directly into windows warms up the apartment, so closing the curtains helps control the warming of the apartment. If blinds or roller shades are installed on the windows, it's advisable to close them too. Note that in placement, ensure that curtains are not placed in front of radiators or thermostats.

Radiators. The most common heating method in buildings is central heating, where radiators circulate warm water adjusted according to the outdoor temperature. If you can manually adjust the thermostats on your apartment's radiators, turn the heat down as much as possible during hot weather. Note, Bathroom heating should be kept on all year round to ensure the room dries properly and to prevent moisture problems. During use, the bathroom's floor heating/radiators should not be turned off, and residents usually cannot shut off bathroom radiators that operate on central heating.

Customer service for facility services

For urgent matters, we recommend contacting us by phone.

For non-urgent matters, we recommend using our electronic services, which are available 24/7.

Customer service does not handle billing matters - for billing issues, please contact our billing department

Opening hours

Opening hours
Mo-Fr 7-16.00
Closed hours
At other times, your call will be automatically transferred to our emergency service.

Sorry, nothing was found here.

The cost of the call is your mobile or local network rate for your subscription, including the time spent in the queue.

When calling from abroad, the price is the same as the cost of a call to Finland.

Frequently asked questions

When to contact property manager or maintenance company?

The property manager acts as the advocate for the housing cooperative and represents the cooperative. The maintenance company is responsible for the upkeep of the cooperative according to the contract. Generally, you should contact the maintenance company when you notice defects or deficiencies in your home or in the common areas and equipment of the building.

You should contact the property manager for administrative and financial matters related to the property, as well as in cases of disturbances. For example, resident disturbances (noise, incorrect parking) and additional services not covered by the maintenance contract (renovations) related to the housing cooperative fall under the property manager's authority. You can find the current contact information for your property manager, for example, on the notice board of your housing cooperative.

I forgot my home keys, where can I get the door opened?

As the maintenance company, we are here to help. We can only open doors for individuals officially residing in the apartment, so please be prepared to prove your identity. We check the official resident information from the registry office, so make sure to submit your change of address to the registry office in time. Please note that you can also make a temporary change of address at the registry office, for example, for the duration of your studies.

You can reach our customer service 24/7 at the number 010 636 5000.

There is a visitor's car parked in my reserved parking spot, what should I do?

Please try to first identify the car's owner yourself and ask them to move the car. Alternatively, you can also leave a message on the windshield about the issue.

If the problem is not resolved, you can contact the local parking enforcement or the property manager, who can issue a transfer notice for the car.

As a property maintenance company, unfortunately, we cannot touch cars, nor can we assist with improperly parked cars.

What should I do when the elevator is not working?

If the elevator gets stuck or makes a noticeably loud noise, you can report it to the maintenance company, which will arrange for the elevator to be repaired.

Please contact our customer service by phone.

What things belong to the housing company and what belongs to the residents?

The housing cooperative has specified in the articles of association a responsibility distribution table, which defines the distribution of responsibility between the resident/shareholder and the housing cooperative in the property. The maintenance company primarily handles the responsibilities of the housing cooperative - although the property manager decides on major repairs.

The resident is generally responsible for changing the smoke detector battery, checking and changing fuses and residual-current devices, cleaning the floor drain, and replacing all light bulbs and starters in fixtures. Our maintenance personnel are happy to help with these matters, but the work is chargeable and must be agreed upon separately.

For issues with the internet connection, contact the service provider. The maintenance company is not responsible for network connections unless there is a clear physical fault, for example, a broken outlet.

I have submitted a work request, when will the work be done?

The maintenance company performs tasks within the agreed response time, taking into account the urgency of the work. The typical response time for non-urgent tasks is 3-7 business days. Occasionally, due to poor availability of spare parts, the completion of the work may be slightly delayed.

Our customer service can assist in resolving the issue if the work request has taken unusually long. Chat with us or send a message via the electronic service form.