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Tavoitteenamme on viestiä avoimesti sidosryhmillemme tekemästämme työstä vastuullisemman yritystoiminnan eteen ja julkaisemme osana osavuosikatsaustamme kuluneen kauden vastuullisuustulokset ja -kohokohdat.
Kaupunkimaisema illalla

Quarters Sustainability Results 2021

Read about our sustainability performance in 2021.

Sustainability results of Q4/2021

-1 103 000 TCO2-ekv.

The positive climate effects of L&T's operations, i.e. the carbon footprint

767 gCO2-ekv./km

Emissions from L&T's operations and supply chain, i.e. carbon footprint intensity.

58,4 %

Recycling rate of materials in L&T's possession


L&T's overall accident frequency

40 %

Healt rate

5,0 %

Sickness-related absences

Highlights from our sustainability work in 2021

Ihmiset kaupungissa
Ihmiset kaupungissa

A rating from the CDP assessment

Lassila & Tikanoja achieved Leadership level "A-" rating for its climate operations in CDP's assessment. In Finland, 12 companies besides L&T received the Leadership level classification.


Platinum recognition from Ecovadis

EcoVadis, which evaluates international corporate responsibility, gave Lassila & Tikanoja Platinum recognition. Of the approximately 75,000 companies evaluated by EcoVadis, only one percent gets a Platinum result. During the second quarter, the Financial Times listed the European companies that reduced the most emissions in relation to their profit in 2020. Among Finnish companies, in addition to Lassila & Tikanoja, 13 other companies made it to the list.

Development of our sustainability results in 2021

Q1/2021 Q2/2021 Q3/2021 Q4/2021 Target (to be achieved by)

The whole report can be found from our latest interim report

A more detailed report of our sustainability work can always be found in our interim report.