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Activities in organisations

The focus of L&T’s lobbying activities is on ensuring the operating conditions of the circular economy. L&T is a member of nearly a hundred local, regional, national and EU-level lobbying organisations.

Advocacy organisations

We participate in the work of the following organisations either through membership in the Board or in other working groups:

  • Recycling Industries of Finland
  • Finnish Employers’ Federation of Road Transport (ALT)
  • ITS Finland
  • Kiinteistötyönantajat ry (Employers’ association of property management)
  • The Chemical Industry Federation of Finland
  • Confederation of Finnish Industries
  • Fastighetsentreprenörerna
  • AFF-forum
  • FIBS, Finnish Business and Society corporate responsibility network
  • EFRO, European Recovered Fuel Organisation.

Other programmes, projects and networks

We are also an active participant in the following programmes, projects and networks that promote the circular economy, sustainability, material efficiency and energy efficiency:

  • Aalto University, Indoor Air Police Project for improving indoor air quality in buildings
  • Business Finland: Intelligent Sustainable Urban Flows Project
  • Business Finland: Virtual Service Environment, Servitized Data and Technology Project
  • CLC, Climate Leadership Council: Working Groups on Circular and Bioeconomy
  • CO-CARBON Project, Urban Green Area Carbon Storage Project
  • Green Building Council Finland, Sustainable Built Environment Network
  • EEF, Energieffektiviseringsföretagen, which brings together service providers aiming to improve energy efficiency
  • Hinku, Carbon Neutral Municipalities Project in Finland
  • HVE, Higher Vocational Education. In this project, employees of L&T in Sweden participate in school boards to improve education and student employment. Some former students have been employed by L&T.
  • Climate Partners, a cooperation network between the City of Helsinki and the business sector
  • Zero Accidents Forum
  • Sitra, Finnish Innovation Fund: Circular Economy Working Groups and Projects
  • Finnish Risk Management Association
  • UUMA 3, Project for the Use of Recycled Materials in Civil Engineering
  • Vantaa Region Circular Economy Network Project
  • VTT, MoPo Project for Polystyrene Recycling
  • VTT, LUT, Companies, and Business Finland: Environmental Handprint Project.